Chief Economist, economiesuisse
«Digitalization will reshape our economic and social landscape. Do we have the necessary requirements, resources, education and mentality etc. in Switzerland to successfully adapt to the digital revolution and to remain the most innovative country in the world?»
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Minsch is chief economist of economiesuisse, the top business organization in Switzerland. He is Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board and leads the department of economic policy and education. He is still associated with the University of St. Gallen where he is lecturer at the Executive School. Furthermore, he is visiting professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Chur (Switzerland).
Rudolf Minsch is an Alumni of the University of St. Gallen where he has studied economics. Subsequently, he successfully completed the “Program for Beginning Doctoral Students” of the Study Center Gerzensee, a foundation of the Swiss National Bank. Furthermore, Minsch has extended his studies at the Boston University. In 2002, he obtained a doctoral degree for his work on “Relative Prices and Inflation. An Empirical Analysis of Firm-Level Price Data from Selected Swiss Service Industries.”
Since many years and together with different partners, Rudolf Minsch does applied research in the fields of monetary policy, business cycle analysis, payment systems, tourism and international economics.